Monday, February 11, 2013

Farewell Joey

Mom and I were so sad to hear of Joey's passing... there really are no words...

You will be missed, my friend. I hope that you & Maggie are running free together once again...

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
                               (Robert Louis Stevenson)




Lovable Lily said...

Beautiful tribute Jasper!

We too shall miss our little furend.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH Jasper we were so sorry to hear this very sad news.

Run Free and Fast dear furend. Til we meet again.

Anonymous said...

Jasper - we were so sad too.
Joey and Maggie's mom and dad must be so so sad.

Wonderful poem.

Hugs & love,


Anonymous said...

Sending love and kisses to you on Valentines day!

Smooches to you too!

