Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vote for me!!

Helloooo again everyone, I have a TINY favor to ask of you.  I am in a photo contest on my friend Karli the Naked Dachshunds page & I need as many votes as I can get:)  Mom says that if I win, she's gonna buy me a new "dapper dud" harness from my other new friend Baxter's mom!!  I love presents & I think a new harness would be super awesome, that way I can be super studly when I go to the park:)

Here's the link to go vote & the pic your voting on

And here are the links for Karli's blog:

And for Baxter's blog:

You should definitely check them out because they are AWESOME!!  Mom & I check them every day & we love them!!

Happy Thursday & thanks again for voting!!



Anonymous said...

I don't see your picture to vote on - humm...
I likey your picture! You look like part tiger!

- Hildy

Jasper + Amy said...

Oh Hildy, this contest was a couple of weeks ago, & I did not make it into the final 5. But thanks for trying to vote for me:)
