Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm a member!!

Guess what everybody... I'm in a club!!  It's called the DoxieClubhouse & all dachshunds are welcome!!  There's an awesome doxie named Hildy who runs the place & she has some cool adventures with her mom & dad.  I wish I lived closer to Hildy so I could go on her adventures with her.  She goes to car shows, kite festivals, she goes to the beach & she even chases after Bigfoot!!  I've never been to the beach before, I wonder if I would like it??  I bet chasing the waves would be lots of fun.

Make sure to check out my induction to the clubhouse here

and then go to the homepage & check out all of Hildy's adventure!!  Maybe even become a member yourself!! :)


docsdox said...

what a cool page for the clubhouse! also - thank you for spreading the word about stuffed toy population control! EVERY dox needs to participate! =)


kalyxcorn said...

yippee! :)