Saturday, October 29, 2011

The leaves they are a-changing

Today I took mom to the park to see all the pretty leaves changing colors.  We had a great time, there were all kinds of good stinkies to smell, and there were tons of squirrels & other doggies to bark at, too. 

And because mom was such a good sport & let me smell all that I could get my little nose on, I let her take a few pictures.  Some of them turned out okay, if I do say so myself...

I hope you take some time this weekend to get outside & enjoy all the sights & smells of autumn.



Dachshund Nola said...

Hi! So cute, you blend right in!
Dachshund Nola

docsdox said...

lovely pictures! when i took my dad, the leaves hadn't peaked yet. now many of them are on the ground and it's rainy and cold! brrrrrr! it's ok though, 'cuz i think dad was able to snap a few good shots. i'll ask him to post 'em at some point!

BTW: i absolutely LOVE your dapper doxie dud!


Jasper + Amy said...

Oh Miss Nola, yu are so right. Mom says that if I didn't have my cool harness on she would have lost me in the leaves:)

Ramsay, I'm sorry it's so cold there. It's cold here during our morning walkies but then the sun comes out & warms everything up. I am sooo not looking forward to wearing a coat:(